Message from the President
NUHHCE celebrates 50 years of serving the public in healthcare as we create and shape public policies that will affect generations to come. NUHHCE is the largest 40,000 + National Healthcare Union Employee’s (NUHHCE) and our Mission as healthcare providers is to build a better community one patient at a time. NUHHCE for decades have pushed for higher standards and quality care and better working conditions for all healthcare professionals. We know from experience that creating standards in healthcare will improve our communities not only in quality care, but financial stability as well. NUHHCE is the leading Labor National Healthcare Organization, that empowers our healthcare professionals to organize for a voice in patient care and a powerful voice at the workplace, which has changed the Healthcare Industry in innovative ways to serve the community. NUHHCE still stands 50 years later as the largest, fastest growing healthcare organization Nationwide. – Craig A. Ford, President
NUHHCE‘s Mission to Our Members:
- Protect all workers.
- Promote and safeguard the economic interests of our members and their families.
- Achieve higher wages, shorter hours, health and pension benefits, and improved benefits for our members.
In response to an urgent need for organization among health care, nursing home, and other related workers, the National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees will devote all its energies and resources to organizing all employees in this field and others as requested. NUHHCE strives to organize and, in so doing, bring about significant improvement in wages and other terms and conditions of employment.
NUHHCE is dedicated to bringing the benefits of organization and unity of purpose to all workers: professional, technical, clerical, and service and maintenance employees, and all employees in healthcare institutions such as medical centers, hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies, and other related services.